About Us

Neptune Furniture is Jackie and Jim Chobot, - that's it; a small company, yet a powerful force. Jim creates and turns fantasy into fact. Jackie's invisible glue on the nuts and bolts holds the enterprise together. She also manages our daystall at Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington.

It all starts at the beach. Living on an island makes this part easier. Blessed by the Northwest's abundance of trees, rocks, and tides, each day new gifts of driftwood present themselves to be incorporated into chairs, benches and stools, tables and other furniture items.

It is always a pleasant and expanding thought that the driftwoods navigate their way from some distant mountain forest to Vashon Island. Cut perhaps by a beaver, maybe shrugged off an ancient tree in a sudden gust of wind, or carried off in a small rockslide.... whatever the causes, these limbs and trees find their way into the streams and rivers that hurry them down to the sea, tumbling and scraping off bark and branches along the way. Seaborne, they are tossed back and forth by the tides, they drift in the currents and, at their convenience, they arrive on the beaches of Vashon Island.

It seems that Jim and Jackie just happen to be on the shore to meet the driftwood that arrives on the tides. Well, it just seems that way, and after years, this mystery has become the ordinary. Jim and Jackie gather the treasures and take them home to the workshop. Here they are combined, with the help of Jim's hands into functional works of art. At long last, and just at the right time, the right people come along and hear the song that tells them that this piece of Neptune Furniture is theirs. There is no resisting the knowledge that this was made for them.

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